
Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation

http://genproc.gov.ru +7 (495) 987-56-56


Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

https://гувм.мвд.рф (495) 698-00-78

Constitutional Court

Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

http://ksrf.ru 8 (812) 404-33-11


Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

http://mvd.ru (495) 667-02-99

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

http://www.minjust.ru (495) 955-59-99

Federal Service of the National Guard Troops

Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

http://rosgvard.ru 8-800-350-05-97

Federal Penitentiary Service

Federal Penitentiary Service

http://fsin.su (495) 982-19-46


Federal Bailiff Service

http://www.fssprus.ru (495) 620-64-00