• 123182, Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, д. 30, стр. 1
  • fmba@fmbaros.ru
  • Понедельник-четверг — 10:00-16:00, пятница — 10:00-15:30, перерыв на обед с 12:00 до 12:45
  • (499) 190-33-25
  • (499) 190-21-98 (запись на приём)
  • (495) 617-14-71 (for press)

It performs the functions of rendering public services and managing state property in the field of healthcare, including providing medical assistance, organizing the activities of the blood service, monitoring and supervising the blood donation and its components, as well as monitoring and supervising the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of employees of organizations certain sectors of the economy with especially dangerous working conditions.